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ESG Framework: Importance in Modern Business Context

Combating the pertinent complications of global warming, climate change, and evolving     economic structure from linear to circular, a socio-economic balance is of utmost importance. Therefore, companies in the modern world are striving to make their business ethically strong. This states that the business should be environment friendly and pose no threat to the existing social and economic challenges. More investors are hence promoting businesses that are ESG compliant. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. The body comprising three pillars as named forms a framework that brings about the balance aspired in business.

What is an ESG Framework?

Every business has its impact on the environment, society, and the economic structure. Through a systematic approach, a governing body integrates, assesses, and identifies these business impacts. Be it for setting targets, addressing company-specific risk factors or industry-wide challenges, this body helps it all. An ESG framework is this systematic body that helps in policy-making, reporting issues, monitoring company progress, and eventually and finally measuring the company’s sustainability score.

To create a long-term business that is sustainable, an ESG framework is beneficial. It helps companies to identify the strengths and the risk areas where they need to improve. They help with performance management as well and enhance informed decision-making capabilities in the management. Adding value through product services, imparting knowledge pieces by conducting interactive courses, certification models, driving ethical business practices, and measuring the carbon footprints of a company they manage the entire business ensemble. The business can use ESG metrics as a report to advertise it to potential investors who are eco-conscious about the ESG aspects of the company. Each of the ESG frameworks constitutes qualitative elements as well as metrics that disclose the whereabouts of that company in the light of sustainability compliance. One of the chief advantages of ESG frameworks is that they provide flexibility.

Importance of ESG Frameworks for Sustainability Outcomes

The ESG frameworks are geared towards a better future, they steer clear of setting fixed targets for a company. For instance, ESG frameworks adopt the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals in providing guidance to a company’s management. However, they do not specify a fixed limit in terms of emission caps or energy usage. They leave such targets for the management to decide in accordance with the framework guidelines.

A company’s management as a result not only has the room to explore and set its own quantitative targets but also display a firm commitment to sustainability by operating along the framework ESG guidelines. In addition, compliance with such ESG frameworks makes the company more prominent in the public domain. This has the benefit of better public perception which leads to greater brand equity, and more investor attraction. The more investment it gets from environmentally concerned investors, the better the chances of the governance being aligned with sustainability. Hence, the adoption of ESG frameworks creates a virtuous cycle along with flexibility for a company’s management.

ESG Reporting: Selecting the Right Frameworks

ESG reporting is a data-driven report that shares a company’s performance on the grounds of social issues, environment and sustainability, and corporate governance practices with the public. These reports also depict the long-term targets of a business in the journey of being a successful and sustainable ESG-friendly company. The landscape of ESG reporting has a variety of frameworks. To choose the right framework to report for your company, it is essential to categorize and assess the various reporting lenses. These lenses are the impact of the business, the expectation of the stakeholders, the preference of the sector, geography, and the coverage of the framework. Below are the top three lenses in which ESG frameworks are considered.

  •  Materiality, Impact, and Influence– Materiality and influence of the impact are two sides of  the same coin. To understand the concept of materiality one must find out the risk areas. Using the risk matrix, a company can find out the probable risk impact that the business can prioritize and which risk will have a severe effect on the organization. Once this is done, the materiality assessment can be concluded. Therefore, materiality helps companies to focus on relevant ESG issues. Coming to the other side of the coin, impact and influence, companies also assess which environmental sectors can directly and positively impact and influence. This assessing framework through an impact prioritization matrix, can help companies determine the segments that can magnify the ESG impacts.
  • Geographical location: Some of the frameworks for these ESG are location-specific. For instance, in the UK ESG reporting is mandatory, however in many other countries it can be looked at as a benchmark for ethically and environmentally conscious business. Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) is only for the UK whereas National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) is for Australia. In places like Canada, ESG reporting is not an enforceable act. Therefore, the reporting and the ESG framework depend on the geography of the business as well and should be considered.
  •  Expectation of the stakeholders– Stakeholders often consider frameworks like (SASB) or Sustainability Accounting Standards Board or TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. While another stakeholder like the Government can look for the carbon report namely SECR which stands for Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting. On the other hand, internal stakeholders will look into matters like total energy consumption of the organization, risk of the supply chain operations, etc.Therefore, the expectation of the stakeholders is an important lens that needs to be considered when exploring the ESG frameworks.

Every ESG framework level has a different focus on social, environmental, governance, waste, water and carbon, and energy. Understanding these frameworks and the lenses will eventually help in selecting the right framework ESG and thereby creating a perfect ESG report.

Corpstage- Your ESG Compliance Partner

There has been a meteoric scaling of investors investing in ESG-compliant companies. Global sustainable investment is the present sunshine in modern-day investment. So, to

grow your business, adhere to ESG compliance, and select the right ESG framework. A consulting body is your reliant partner. Corpstage can be this partner and help your business attain its sustainability goals. Corpstage is a premium sustainability consulting company that helps businesses ensure compliance, generate authentic reports, and also facilitate sustainable communication. Corpstage with its connoisseur of experts from this industry, will help you choose the right framework ESG.

The 6 parameters of the ESG Framework that Corpstage follows:

  • ESG advisors and consulting– With the help of the consultancy a company can efficiently mitigate the potential risk assessed. Through the reports, the companies will be able to raise internal financing to meet their business target for sustainability, and generate revenue and ROI using the frameworks as well.  
  • Sustainability Reports– The sustainability reporting service that Corpstage provides to the business is comprehensive. Acknowledged reporting frameworks like GRI and TCFD are taken into consideration. These showcase the sustainability practices of the business.
  •  Auditing– ESG Audits by Corpstage entails a comprehensive review of your company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) approaches and procedures. Our assessment strives to identify any faults, possible threats, and areas of improvement within the framework ESG.Thereafter, we propose company-specific advice to improve and strengthen your ESG practices, assuring alignment with best practices in the industry and sustainable business values. This guidance guarantees that your business works in a way that not only fulfills regulatory measures but also fosters liable and ethical business practices.
  • Workshops and courses– Corpstage organizes various training programs and workshops that help companies understand the importance of ESG and sustainability goals. This professional course at Corpstage helps clients understand the target better and navigate through the customized plans. These workshops also provide certificates showing that a given company has ESG-aligned decision-making competency.
  • Branding and Communication– Companies can build an authentic brand identity through the branding and sustainability communication that Corpstage provides.
  • Carbon and ESG Evaluation– Corpstage helps businesses understand their performance in ESG, Environmental, Social, and Governance             sectors. It keeps track of how much carbon is emitted to the environment and therefore how can a company achieve net zero in carbon emission? Once the assessment is complete Corpstage goes beyond simple consultancy and provides ways that reduce carbon emissions.

 The services provided by Corpstage can navigate your business enabling a seamless reporting experience, receiving global-scale solutions, and driving a positive change. Companies can get ESG certification plans for their business. Initially, companies can also get their free trial after which a suitable plan can be purchased. From checking status reports, appointing an accountant to manage documents, and verifying evidence to category-specific recommendations, Corpstage provides it all. The commitment the company provides in terms of going beyond just consultancy is commendable.Corpstage envisions having a business world aware of a sustainable world and this element becomes fundamental to their approach. Through partnership and strategic collaboration Corpstage envisions to make the world ready for a brighter future. Corpstage provides a platform for companies to address pressing issues on sustainability and help foster an influence on society and the environment for a greener tomorrow.   

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